www.gallery4allarts.com |
Gallery4allarts - Newsletter Welcome to the 2019 Newsletter page! For news archives view main newsletter page January - February - March - April; May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December To read notes on how to send your art related adverts please, browse main newsletter page. ___________________________________________________ 2019 ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Please, visit our exhibitions, music events and courses / workshops pages for current or coming up events related to Gallery4allarts.Further local art and culture news may be occasionally found below. Thank you for browsing this page. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Check out our music events page for further updates. Sunday 24th of November 2019, 3.30pm Charity Classics CONCERT - In aid of Smile Train @ Heswall, Quakers Meeting House, North Drive/ telegraph road, Hwswall, CH60 0BD ______________________________________________________________ GALLERYALLARTS "GET CREATIVE" AUTUMN / WINTER sessions for BODY, MIND, SOUL ART// SINGING// QI GONG & MEDITATION Enhancing your creativity and holistic wellbeing QI GONG/ Chi Kung Contact / Register: chikung_19@gallery4allarts.com 07756912911 =============================== Venue: G4
Room, The Old Police Station, L17 8UU Contact/ register: enquiries@gallery4allarts.com 07756912911 ============================= By appointment, only. Contact:
call or text: 07756912911; email: enquiries@gallery4allarts.com Venue: G4
Room, The Old Police Station, L17 8UU and
other venues. 21st of September 2019, 7.30pm “Cari Giorni” II - Love Arias & Songs Nicole Bartos, Soprano & Richard Harding, Robin Turvey - classical guitar Venue: Unitarian Church Hall, Unitarian Church, 57 Ullet Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 2AA. Contact: 0151 7331927
Tickets and more details via: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nicole-bartos-soprano-love-arias-and-songs-ii-cari-giorni-tickets-65181544755 Tickets on the door and online: £11.00 Concessions: 8.00 on the door. Contact: 07756912911 and 0151 7331927 to book a concession ticket in advance. Thank you. Gallery4allarts ___________________________________ Saturday, 19th October 2019, 7pm start Nicole Bartos sings: 'Love Arias and Songs II' Nicole Bartos, Soprano & Richard Meritt, piano Venue: Quakers Meeting House, 22 School Lane, Liverpool L1 3BT A
classical music recital: Tickets on the door: £15.00 and via online: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nicole-bartos-soprano-love-arias-songs-ii-tickets-65180213774 Concessions on the door: £8.00 Venue
address: www.liverpoolquakers.org.uk ________________________________________________ Friday, 12th July 2019, 7.30pm Nicole Bartos sings 'Love Arias and Songs I' (click title to read more) Nicole Bartos, Soprano & Richard Meritt, piano Venue: Unitarian Church Hall, Unitarian Church, 57 Ullet Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool L17 2AA. Contact: 0151 7331927 Tickets £11.00 and Concs £8.00 on the door and via eventbrite.co.uk: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nicole-bartos-soprano-sings-love-arias-songs-tickets-62367158851 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
For a complete Gallery4sllarts list of music events 2019 featuring Nicole Bartos, soprano and guests please refer to music events page. Love
Arias and Songs "Cari Giorni" I -
Saturday, 22nd June 2019, 2.30pm. Central Library Gallery4allarts ____________________________________________________________ 17th -23rd June 2019, Art Exhibition CONNECTIONS III @ The Reader Art Gallery, Calderstones Park, Allerton, Liverpool
A new art exhibition by Nicole Bartos and guests. Including abstract and semi abstract paintings, mixed media, poetry and over 30 small pencil portraits. Private views and more details: please click this link. Thanks. RSVP to: enquiries@gallery4allarts.com Gallery4allarts www.gallery4allarts.com _____________________________________________________________________ All Gallery4allarts classes: Art, Singing, Qi Gong - Ongoing To register and book in advance, please contact: enquiries@gallery4allarts.com and 07756912911 Places limited. Please, give plenty notice in advance to secure your place. Thank you. More details on www.gallery4allarts.com/courses Many thanks. Gallery4allarts _____________________________________________________ Gallery4allarts Unitarian
Church, Ullet Rd, L17 FINE
ART 2019 _______________________________________________________ From October 2019 10 weeks courses starting in QI GONG at Blackburne House, Liverpool L8 Register now. To register please, request a registration form via to: enquiries@gallery4allarts.com tel: 07756912911 Thank you. Contact/
Register via: Details & updates on: http://www.gallery4allarts.com/courses.htm __________________________________ Gallery4allarts ________________________________________
All rights reserved. Copyright 2006 © Gallery4allarts & Nicole Bartos |